NSWP's old online home was made up of a Wordpress blog and and Plone database of resources. Keeping things together, findable and updatable was becoming increasingly difficult, and serving the needs of a multi-lingual membership spread out in groups around the world had fallen by the wayside. Our brief was to build a new home for the network that would bring together all NSWP's resources and news with an obvious spotlight on key publications such as the Making Sex Work Safe handbook and the Research for Sex Work archive. At the same time the site needed to show the global reach of the network with a clickable map of member profiles, and provide a secure private logged-in area for members to collaborate with shared documents.
The site design was created and implemented by the wave design coop. The design is based on clean, well structured xhtml code in a non-table based layout and using cascading style sheets (CSS) for all the presentational information. This improves the site’s chances in search engine content rankings and also makes pages quicker to download, much more accessible to all users and easier to update.