GreenNet has been working with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) research institute located at the University of Sussex on the Participatory Methods website since its inception, we initially...

Peace Brigades International

PBI approached us to migrate the websites of their international network of Human Right Defenders almost 10 years ago, they adopted Drupal for their International Secretariat and most of their entities' websites on a GreenNet virtual server. We've built up a strong relationship as technical collaborators working with a range of FLOSS open...

GreenNet has supported TAPOL's online activities for many years, and were happy to carry out an upgrade and rebuild of their trusty Drupal 7 website,

All of TAPOL's Bulletins, Reports, Publications and News items migrated over to a shiny new Drupal 9 CMS with a fresh visual design by Sarah Macbeth and a revised information...

We love it when we are approached with a clear concept for an online tool that will have a real life impact.

ActNow asked us to create a website where people in Papua New Guinea can rate their District Development Authority and get access to key documents in order to promote transparency and accountability...

The International Institute for Educational Planning engaged GreenNet and Wave to design and build the Positive Learning Toolkit for UNESCO.

The Toolkit was produced by IIEP in partnership with the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV and is aimed at adolescents and young people living with HIV, in both the formal and...

UNESCO's SDG4 Inter Agency Secretariat contracted GreenNet to build an Arabic language version of their popular SDG4Education2030 website we built for them in 2018.

GreenNet worked with the team in Beirut and Paris to deliver this neat and attractive site in Drupal 9 based on Sarah...

We helped long time GN clients on The Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Committee's campaign for a statue to Sylvia to re-do their simple static website in a WordPress CMS. We supported them to move their archive of annual lectures and updates and revise the navigation and presentation of the campaign's content quickly and neatly in a new online...

We rebuilt WRM's trusty multilingual WordPress in a brand new Drupal 8. WRM wanted a clean design and improved ways to edit their content and run their website.

We consulted Wave for visual design and worked closely with WRM colleagues internationally using our private jitsi channel for regular meeting with GreenNet devs and project...

GreenNet worked with UNESCO's SDG4 secretariat to build and host the online community and knowledge hub for the UN TES in September 2022. We used Drupal Social to create a space for discussions and knowledge sharing, using Drupal taxonomy to cross reference data and resources on strategic development goals. The development took place...

Wave invited us to collaborate on a new website for the Non-negotiable campaign for corporate responsibility in Canada, run by the 40 member organizations of the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability.

Wave created a custom design and GreenNet built and themed the site using WordPress CMS in French and English. The website is...

We worked with Sarah Macbeth to design and build a custom themed WordPress for the European Network on Statelessness.The website features video stories and clear calls to action for supporters.

ENS gave us a detailed brief which and we worked closely with them and with Sarah's...

UK100 approached us with a specific vision for their new online home. They provided us with the website architecture and visual designs by Irene Palacio.

We put everything together in Drupal 9, and provided training and support to website editors.


We built this website at high speed in time for COP26.

ECA Watch coalition commissioned us for this project, which involved bringing together contributors from ECA watch member organisations all over the world for a series of online planning and development meetings.


UNESCO's Institute of Education Planning had a tight deadline to create an online version of their impact report.

IRR have been publishing their regular email Calendar of Racism and Resistance for many years. We helped them to gather and collate over 12,000 entries from the past decade into an indexed searchable public resource that builds on IRR's campaigning history and creates a tool for future activism.

GreenNet has been working with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) research institute located at the University of Sussex on the Participatory Methods website since its inception, we initially...

Peace Brigades International

PBI approached us to migrate the websites of their international network of Human Right Defenders almost 10 years ago, they adopted Drupal for their International Secretariat and most of their entities' websites on a GreenNet virtual server. We've built up a strong relationship as technical collaborators working with a range of FLOSS open...

GreenNet has supported TAPOL's online activities for many years, and were happy to carry out an upgrade and rebuild of their trusty Drupal 7 website,

All of TAPOL's Bulletins, Reports, Publications and News items migrated over to a shiny new Drupal 9 CMS with a fresh visual design by Sarah Macbeth and a revised information...

We love it when we are approached with a clear concept for an online tool that will have a real life impact.

ActNow asked us to create a website where people in Papua New Guinea can rate their District Development Authority and get access to key documents in order to promote transparency and accountability...

The International Institute for Educational Planning engaged GreenNet and Wave to design and build the Positive Learning Toolkit for UNESCO.

The Toolkit was produced by IIEP in partnership with the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV and is aimed at adolescents and young people living with HIV, in both the formal and...

UNESCO's SDG4 Inter Agency Secretariat contracted GreenNet to build an Arabic language version of their popular SDG4Education2030 website we built for them in 2018.

GreenNet worked with the team in Beirut and Paris to deliver this neat and attractive site in Drupal 9 based on Sarah...

We helped long time GN clients on The Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Committee's campaign for a statue to Sylvia to re-do their simple static website in a WordPress CMS. We supported them to move their archive of annual lectures and updates and revise the navigation and presentation of the campaign's content quickly and neatly in a new online...

We rebuilt WRM's trusty multilingual WordPress in a brand new Drupal 8. WRM wanted a clean design and improved ways to edit their content and run their website.

We consulted Wave for visual design and worked closely with WRM colleagues internationally using our private jitsi channel for regular meeting with GreenNet devs and project...

GreenNet worked with UNESCO's SDG4 secretariat to build and host the online community and knowledge hub for the UN TES in September 2022. We used Drupal Social to create a space for discussions and knowledge sharing, using Drupal taxonomy to cross reference data and resources on strategic development goals. The development took place...

Wave invited us to collaborate on a new website for the Non-negotiable campaign for corporate responsibility in Canada, run by the 40 member organizations of the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability.

Wave created a custom design and GreenNet built and themed the site using WordPress CMS in French and English. The website is...

We worked with Sarah Macbeth to design and build a custom themed WordPress for the European Network on Statelessness.The website features video stories and clear calls to action for supporters.

ENS gave us a detailed brief which and we worked closely with them and with Sarah's...

UK100 approached us with a specific vision for their new online home. They provided us with the website architecture and visual designs by Irene Palacio.

We put everything together in Drupal 9, and provided training and support to website editors.


We built this website at high speed in time for COP26.

ECA Watch coalition commissioned us for this project, which involved bringing together contributors from ECA watch member organisations all over the world for a series of online planning and development meetings.


UNESCO's Institute of Education Planning had a tight deadline to create an online version of their impact report.

IRR have been publishing their regular email Calendar of Racism and Resistance for many years. We helped them to gather and collate over 12,000 entries from the past decade into an indexed searchable public resource that builds on IRR's campaigning history and creates a tool for future activism.
