We really like working with activists with a clear vision for an innovative and useful web project. We won this commission in 2017 and worked with the European Network on Statelessness and Wave.coop to create this informational tool using Drupal 7 with a custom graphical design.

ENS had a strong concept for the site - a comparison tool for rights and treatment of people without nationality in 12 European countries. The site has a simple and intuitive interface for users (no clickable maps or search) but presents detailed information and facilitates comparisons of many criteria, it displays ratings in an easy-to-read format, on an attractive, on-brand, mobile responsive visual design.

We completed the project in around 12 weeks, on budget, and launched to great acclaim (including a tweet from the EU Human Rights Commissioner), we enjoyed this partnership with ENS and Wave and are pleased to have implemented a neat project with a practical application. Previous web projects with refugee and migrant organisations include EIN and EDAL.