Thunderbird is capable of importing Eudora Messages, Address Books, and some settings directly from Eudora.

Note on IMAP vs POP

There are 2 ways to check your mail, IMAP and POP. Using POP the messages are only stored on your computer. In IMAP all the messages are saved on our server, so they can be accessed from anywhere. This means that if you are using IMAP, you do not need to transfer your messages from Eudora to another client, you only need to configure the new client for IMAP and all the messages will be there. If you are using POP however, you can either have the new client extract the messages from Eudora directly (which not all can do), or use IMAP to transer the messages. To find out which you are using, pull down Tools and go into Options. In the “Checking Mail” category, it will say if you are using POP or IMAP.

Transferring Mailboxes, Address Book, and Settings

1. Thunderbird is capable of importing Eudora Messages, Address Books, and some settings directly. When you start Thunderbird for the first time, choose to import from Eudora and click Next.

2. Once the import finishes, you can click ‘’‘Finish’‘’.

3. Once the Import Wizard finishes, your mail should appear in Thunderbird’s Inbox under “Local Folders.” When you receive new mail, it will appear in the Inbox under “Eudora Settings.”

4. To view your address book, select Tools then Address Book.

Note: In some cases, the address book data will not import into Thunderbird. A workaround has been found:

  • Import the Eudora csv file into the Windows address book.
  • Import this address book into Thunderbird.

The built-in utility of the Windows address book works much better at adjusting the information to agree with the labelling within the address book. This process required no editing afterwards within Thunderbird.

5. You must change some settings to receive new mail.

a. Select Tools then Account Settings.

b. Select the “Server Settings” category.

c. On the line titled “Use Secure Connection”, be sure the radio button next to “never” is selected.

d. Next, select the “Outgoing Server (SMTP)” category.

e. Click Edit and verify that “Use secure connection:” is set to “No”.

f. Click OK. Your GreenNet account is now configured to check and send mail.

If you have any problems sending or receiving messages, compare your settings to the settings found at the configuration page: Settings at a glance