This document explains how to enable SMTP Authentication for Outlook Express and Outlook 98/2000 for Windows.
Enabling SMTP authentication

1. Open Outlook Express or Outlook 98/2000.

2. From the Tools menu select Accounts. The Internet Accounts box appears.

3. Select the Mail tab. Your email account appears, usually labelled

4. Click on the account and click the Properties button on the right. The properties appear.

5. Select the Servers tab.

6. In the box marked Outgoing mail (SMTP) change the entry to

7. Under the Outgoing Mail Server section check the box My server requires authentication and click the Settings.. button. The Outgoing Mail Server box appears.

8. Click the circle-box Log on using and in the Account name box enter your email address, and then enter the password for this email account.

9. Check the box Remember password. Check the box Log on using Secure Password Authentication.

10. Click OK to close the Outgoing Mail server box. Click OK to close the Properties box. Click the Close button to close the Internet Accounts box. SMTP authentication has now been enabled.