We picked up INPUD's Drupal 7 site in 2015 and gave it a bit of a tidy up. We rearranged the home page to enable more dynamic content and editable elements, and gave it a fully responsive design.
Making sure that your website will display correctly and elegantly across all sorts of devices is absolutely crucial. So responsive design is standard on our web projects, we generally go for a "mobile first" approach, starting off with a minimal arrangement of content for small screens and lower bandwidth devices, and elaborating the layouts, colour schemes, fonts and imagery for progressively larger sizes, ensuring compatibility across browsers amd operating systems.
We picked up INPUD's Drupal 7 site in 2015 and gave it a bit of a tidy up. We rearranged the home page to enable more dynamic content and editable elements, and gave it a fully responsive design.
The challenge of doing sexual health outreach work in East London has been transformed by police action in the run up to the Olympics. This was the unusual starting point for the Open Doors Sexual Health Clinic's request for a new website.
The Open Doors team of nurses has for years relied on its knowledge of East London brothels to provide critical sexual health advice, checkups and free condoms. Now that the police were closing them down in the run up to the 2012 Olympics, the nurses needed to find an alternative route to continuing to provide healthcare to sexworkers.
We launched the new Friends House site in Summer 2015 for the UK Quakers, adapting the successful design for their TheLightatEuston with Friends House branding on an upgraded CMS.
The spec was to rebuild their old drupal 6 site with a radically different look and feel using a mobile-first methodology to apply a fully responsive theme that's optimised to display on tablets and mobiles. Working closely with Friends House staff, we've developed the site by adding custom modules and functions so the site can utilise cutting edge SEO techniques and social media integration.
We built the new site for ERT in 2015, in a responsive themed Drupal 7.
Their priority was to improve the accessibility of their Virtual Library on Equality, by making it display elegantly and correctly regardless of the size of screen or type of device used by visitors, and adding a powerful suite of facetted and advanced searches. We worked closely with ERT to design and configure the library and to migrate the contents from their previous CMS and to reinvigorate ERT's online presence using maps and bold imagaery in a custom design based on their brand.
We upgraded NSWP's CMS to drupal 7, and created a custom responsive redesign that highlights the international campaign's imagery and branding and allows them to control customisable content areas. We provided training to NSWP staff to ensure that they had ownership of the content and could make best use of their network and stock of images...
We built The Electronic Immigration Network (EIN) website in 2002 on our own CMS, ActionApps, and it has become an indispensable resource for anyone concerned with immigration law in the UK; legal practitioners, researchers, journalists, judges, academics and policy makers.
We won the contract in 2013 to migrate Handicap International's online resource centre onto a new accessible platform. comprises a unique collection of information on disability and inclusion in development and humanitarian contexts aimed at practitioners and academics.
The collection contained over 8,000 items, including details of books, reports, websites, organisations, newsletters and pre-prepared key lists organised by topic area, and is the only such resource to reflect the experiences and priorities of practitioners in developing countries.
We began working with Right to Education team, based at Action Aid, in 2008. The original site was created as a home for the thinking of an educationalist called Tomascevski.
In 2013 The Right to Education team commissioned GreenNet to rebuild and redesign the site based on a simpler navigation with a single library to house all the resources. This new site is designed responsively and aims to feature new writings in the field and include success stories and guest blog posts.
Created for practitioners, development workers, activists and concerned individuals, this website provides comprehensive information and up-to-the minute thinking on all aspects of participatory methods in development, including.
The CLTS(Community Led Total Sanitation) project at IDS(Institute of Development Studies) has spent the last years in a small corner of the Livelihoods Connect website. As the project, its reputation and its reach have grown, calls have grown for it to have its own purpose built website where all its resources and news can be easily sorted and accessed. Because of time constraints we took a phased approach to the web development - beginning with a very simple site that would be ready in time for their annual international gathering.
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