Drupal is a fantastic free/libre open source Content Management System. We've been working with Drupal since version 4 and have years of experience within our team, we've been plugged into the Drupal community where we contribute on & offline.

We find that the CMS offers unmatched flexibility, scalability and control for big and complex projects and we just can't wait for D8!false


Community Led Total Sanitation

Community Led Total Sanitation webpage

The CLTS(Community Led Total Sanitation) project at IDS(Institute of Development Studies) has spent the last years in a small corner of the Livelihoods Connect website. As the project, its reputation and its reach have grown, calls have grown for it to have its own purpose built website where all its resources and news can be easily sorted and accessed. Because of time constraints we took a phased approach to the web development - beginning with a very simple site that would be ready in time for their annual international gathering.
