TAPOL 2023

GreenNet has supported TAPOL's online activities for many years, and were happy to carry out an upgrade and rebuild of their trusty Drupal 7 website,

All of TAPOL's Bulletins, Reports, Publications and News items migrated over to a shiny new Drupal 9 CMS with a fresh visual design by Sarah Macbeth and a revised information architecture that we devised with the TAPOL team working remotely in several countries,

To keep everything secure, we've implemented various clever measures to make sure that the site stays up and well protected.




We love it when we are approached with a clear concept for an online tool that will have a real life impact.

ActNow asked us to create a website where people in Papua New Guinea can rate their District Development Authority and get access to key documents in order to promote transparency and accountability in PNG.

The website had to be accessible on mobile phones over low bandwidth, and to provide simple intuitive interfaces combined with security measures to prevent abuse of the ratings system and attacks on the website.

UNESCO Positive Learning Toolkit

The International Institute for Educational Planning engaged GreenNet and Wave to design and build the Positive Learning Toolkit for UNESCO.

The Toolkit was produced by IIEP in partnership with the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV and is aimed at adolescents and young people living with HIV, in both the formal and informal education sectors.

The online version is available in 3 languages and features custom design, illustrations and icons by Wave. UNESCO launched the Positive Learning Toolkit on World AIDS day 2022

World Rainforest Movement

We rebuilt WRM's trusty multilingual WordPress in a brand new Drupal 8. WRM wanted a clean design and improved ways to edit their content and run their website.

We consulted Wave for visual design and worked closely with WRM colleagues internationally using our private jitsi channel for regular meeting with GreenNet devs and project manager in Spain and UK.

The website is hosted on GreenNet's ethically managed and sustainably powered servers.


UK100 approached us with a specific vision for their new online home. They provided us with the website architecture and visual designs by Irene Palacio.

We put everything together in Drupal 9, and provided training and support to website editors.

This website is hosted Green - checked by thegreenwebfoundation.org

The new UK100 website is hosted on GreenNet's servers powered with energy from renewable sources.

UNESCO Health Education Resource Centre and Toolkit


On 7 April 2021, World Health Day, we relaunched the UNESCO Health and Education Resource Centre, a knowledge sharing initiative provided by UNESCO for the education sector.

The library is a collection of more than 6,000 downloadable resources, evidence and research, policies and strategies, teaching and learning materials, and guidance and practical tools. It also presents news and webinars and updates about events from around the world. We implemented a faceted search that enables easy access to the library.

UNESCO SDG4Education2030


UNESCO asked us to help them put together a neat and tidy website to publish updates on the Strategic Development Goal 4 - Education.

We focussed on making the site quick and intuitive to edit and update. We worked with them to build the site from the ground up on a brand new Drupal 8, adding features and functions as new requirements arose.