Drupal is a fantastic free/libre open source Content Management System. We've been working with Drupal since version 4 and have years of experience within our team, we've been plugged into the Drupal community where we contribute on & offline.

We find that the CMS offers unmatched flexibility, scalability and control for big and complex projects and we just can't wait for D8!false


Peace Brigades International

Peace Brigades International

PBI approached us to migrate the websites of their international network of Human Right Defenders almost 10 years ago, they adopted Drupal for their International Secretariat and most of their entities' websites on a GreenNet virtual server. We've built up a strong relationship as technical collaborators working with a range of FLOSS open source systems to support PBI's work.

UN Transforming Education Summit

GreenNet worked with UNESCO's SDG4 secretariat to build and host the online community and knowledge hub for the UN TES in September 2022. We used Drupal Social to create a space for discussions and knowledge sharing, using Drupal taxonomy to cross reference data and resources on strategic development goals. The development took place iteratively before during and after the summit, presenting videos and streams from the event as well as practical information for participants

Peace Pledge Union

Peace Pledge Union

PPU host a unique archive which has been developed over many years.We worked closely with them to create a new online home for the organisation that uses Drupal to connect their well-established existing online presence, including the archives, shop, and their social media, while adding new functions using CivCRM to list events and gather online supporters.

PBI Seguridad


PBI asked us to help them share information on training opportunities across Mexico.

We display customised regional maps on an open source platform in Spanish, on PBI's mobile responsive Drupal 7 theme. .

End Water Poverty

We've worked with EWP for many years, and it was time to refresh their online presence. We helped them select a responsive theme on the latest version of Drupal, and tweaked it to display EWP's brand identity.

The site enables them to publish updates about their new campaigns and latest news through the Drupal dashboard.

We rebuilt their membership signup and listings functions with an interactive map customised to display regions where EWP members work.

PBI Germany


We migrated the Germany Country Group of Peace Brigades International's website from it's old home on Typo3 CMS to a shiny new responsive Drupal 7.

We did a complete rethink of the design and templates and came up with a site that enables PBI to customise their homepage with their latest calls to action and automatically displays updated listings of news and activities

The new site reflects PBI's identity and demonstrates their impact by showcasing stories and images from their archives, and displays an interactive map to show PBI's global projects.
