alphabetics.infoActionAid accuses Addax Bioenergy’s sugarcane-to-ethanol project in Sierra Leone of reducing food production, using £95m in funding from the UK, despite claims of sustainablity.
30 August, 2013 - 00:38
Germany’s justice minister has said German people are flocking to national email providers and demanding encryption services normally reserved for corporate security in the wake of the US spying scandal. Read Valentina Pop’s article in
19 August, 2013 - 16:12
Since 2011 the UK has licensed £65m in arms exports to Egypt, now again run by the army and its rape squads and street-corner torturers. But despite being “on the side of the Egyptian people” according to the Foreign Office, the UK is still inviting Egypt to London’s DSEi Arms Fair. Act now for an embargo on arms to Egypt.
26 July, 2013 - 14:19
The Government is trying to take the credit for returning lottery money it never should have taken in the first place, and then claiming a victory for its delivery of the Olympic Legacy through an initiative it didn’t set up. Join the Big Lottery Refund campaign.
9 July, 2013 - 23:11
In a statement to Parliament William Hague said that GCHQ “complied fully” with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa), the Human Rights Act (HRA) and the Intelligence Services Act (Isa).
28 June, 2013 - 11:17
In response to an petition Apple has removed the iTunes app “Setting Captives Free”, which claims to help people fight “habitual sins”, but Google Play is still selling it. Support the campaign against “gay cures” that can lead desperate people to depression or suicide.
9 June, 2013 - 12:27
Over 40 companies including Monsanto, Unilever and Diageo have joined an aid initiative launched by the G8, condemned by African civil society groups as a handover of farmland to foreign investors that will destroy their livelihoods. Join the campaign to divert the £395m to ecological smallholder farming in Africa.
22 May, 2013 - 19:01
Oxfam’s latest report, revealing a stash of £4.7tn in British Overseas tax havens, calls Cameron’s G8 Summit leadership in June “a mockery” when there is no deal on the table to help poor countries reclaim over £100bn they are owed. The UK has “consistently opposed” reforming the tax system for Transnational Corporations (TNCs), claims the Tax Justice Network.
3 May, 2013 - 18:50
Tickle the WireMozilla takes legal action against spyware from UK company Gamma imitating its Firefox browser.
23 April, 2013 - 15:03
Activists called for another web blackout in protest against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) passed by the US House of Representatives, similar to last January’s action by Wikipedia, Reddit, Google, Mozilla and others, while UK internet security experts have written to the PM to object to the “Snooper’s Charter” Communications Data Bill.