No sector has lobbied the EC on the proposed EU-US trade deal (TTIP) more than Agribusiness, according to Corporate Europe Observatory’s latest research. Agribusinesses have had more contacts with the Commission’s trade department (DG Trade) than from the pharmaceutical, chemical, financial and car industries put together.
2 July, 2014 - 13:54
GreenNet with 6 other ISPs from around the world are calling for an end to GCHQ’s attacking and exploitation of network infrastructure in order to unlawfully gain mass access to private communications.
25 June, 2014 - 00:47
Despite condemnation of Egypt’s jailing of Mohamed Fahmy, Peter Greste and Baher Mohamed, the USA has just discreetly handed a plain brown envelope worth $572m to Egypt’s military rulers, with plenty more where that came from.
10 June, 2014 - 00:27
wearemany.tvAt last Amir Amirani’s groundbreaking film charting the experiences and background of the February 15 2003 anti Iraq war march has premiered at the Sheffield DocFest, receiving a three and a half minute standing ovation.
4 June, 2014 - 02:12
A freedom of information request by the Morning Star has revealed that 1,869 government e-petitions have not been published. Stop the War’s petition against sending Nato troops to Ukraine was withheld for 3 weeks until journalists phoned the MoD.
25 May, 2014 - 18:08
The Malian army has been defeated at Kidal by MNLA Touareg separatists reinforced by the AQMI coalition, once the target of the French when they intervened in January 2013, writes award winning blogger Sophie Sarin. But the French stood by while their former enemies regrouped.
9 May, 2014 - 10:30
Public Health England’s draft report on the environmental impact of shale gas extraction is a whitewash, writes Paul Mobbs in The Ecologist magazine, a view shared by those radical activists at, er, the British Medical Journal. Photo via
26 April, 2014 - 10:31
European Digital Rights (EDRi) members ORG and DigiGes have launched “WePromise.EU” to put digital civil rights on the agenda of the 22nd of May European elections. Sign the pledge to vote for MEPs who support the 10 point Charter of Digital Rights.
21 March, 2014 - 18:48
Migrant workers “no better than slaves” have suffered over 900 deaths on construction sites in Qatar’s 2022 World Cup city. Claims the world’s richest country per capita won its bid due to corruption have led to calls to rerun the vote. Join the campaign for migrant workers’ justice.
8 March, 2014 - 18:09
StopTTIP is the UK part of an international campaign opposing the US/EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), claiming it will give corporations excessive control over our society, degrading regulation on health & safety, food, environment, privacy, banking and much more.