Scientists predict at least a 50% probability of a Chernobyl-type event happening in the next 30-60 years, with a 50% probability of a Fukushima-type event in the next 65-150 years. Although highly uncertain, these risks are much larger than industry estimates suggest, exposing significant defects in nuclear safety.
10 March, 2016 - 11:36
Israeli military surveillance balloons spying on the Las Condes and Lo Barnechea districts since August of 2015 must be removed immediately, the Court of Appeals of Santiago has ruled in a victory for Derechos Digitales and 2 other Chilean human rights organisations.
27 February, 2016 - 14:44

The UK is letting corporate human rights abusers off the hook, a new Amnesty report claims. The UK National Contact Point for OECD Guidelines is biased and unreliable. Its failure to investigate properly allows UK companies to avoid accountability, even in cases where serious abuses are alleged.
12 February, 2016 - 14:21

High street Barclays branches across 5 cities have been closed by protests highlighting the social and environmental impacts of the bank’s investments in coal, tar sands and fracking. Sit-ins and occupations of Barclays branches have taken place in London, Leeds, Sheffield, Lancaster and Oxford. The protests caused major disruption, forcing Barclays to turn away customers and close several branches.
6 January, 2016 - 14:26

Leigh Day, lawyers for Campaign Against Arms Trade, are exploring legal action over strong evidence of Saudi war crimes being committed in Yemen, while the Government has scrapped its committee on arms export controls. The MoD has made a separate complaint against Leigh Day’s representation of tortured and murdered detainees in Iraq.
10 November, 2015 - 13:55

A leaked letter shows Amber Rudd to have misled Parliament by relying on biofuels instead of renewables to meet EU mandatory targets. Forests in Europe are being destroyed for bioenergy fueled by huge subsidies.
21 October, 2015 - 18:42

Since 9 October misogynists and trolls using the #Gamergate hashtag have attacked #TakeBackTheTech and #ImagineAFeministInternet with thousands of abusive tweets and memes in a co-ordinated anti-feminist response to a tweet chat organised by the IGF Best Practice Forum on Countering Online Violence and Abuse. The volunteer organising the tweet chat also received an email declaring the purpose of the attack was to “destroy” the campaign.
26 September, 2015 - 22:51

The APC, Caspar Bowden and Kathy Sierra have been awarded this year’s Pioneer Award by the EFF. Read Peter Gabriel’s message of congratulation to Executive Director Anriette Esterhuysen and the APC.
8 August, 2015 - 01:08

The Government wants to scrap a policy that puts solar panels on the roofs of schools, hospitals and businesses. Email the Government consultation now to stand up for renewable energy.
17 July, 2015 - 23:01

Asahi ShimbunJapanese PM Shinzo Abe has silenced debate on controversial “Peace and Security” legislation. Opposition politicians protested the move while thousands of people took to the streets. The unconstitutional legislation contravenes Article 9 of Japan’s post-war Peace Constitution.