EU aid increasingly focused on the poorest people and countries has been attacked by the UK press and described as “farcical” by Tory Eurosceptic Dominic Raab. Fight back with campaigners
Rightwing UK media is attacking the life-saving aid money spent through the European Union's Europeaid development programme. The European Union as a whole (Member States plus Commission-managed funds) is the most generous donor of official development aid worldwide. In 2010, it provided €53.8 billion - more than 50% of global aid.
Incorrect press reports can and are being challenged by this new campaign run by For example, the EU does not give development aid to Iceland. Iceland receives money from a specific fund designed to assist with the costs of preparing for EU membership. This is nothing to do with EU aid to fight poverty.
Here's how you can help set the record straight:
Email Sunday Telegraph editor Ian MacGregor (, bcc: and let him know that you support development aid, and you were disappointed that the article failed to mention any of the great things aid has achieved.
You could include that:
* You agree with 3 million ONE members who support life-saving
development aid
* Development aid has saved lives, sent kids to school and given
communities access to safe drinking water
* The UK has made promises to the world's poorest and we have to keep
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