Green Jitsi

GreenNet is pleased to announce another new service which we're hoping will help our users in this weird time when online communications has become all the more important.

Green Jitsi
We are offering Jitsi meet - a fully featured open source video conferencing tool, which is genuinely private and secure. It's a trustworthy alternative to any of the big corporate video call channels.

For the last month we have been providing free video chat for GreenNet users on our open Jitsi instance. If you are interested in escaping from Zoom, Facetime, Skype or Whatsapp etc, we can host a private Jitsi server for you for £20/month. Please let us know if you would like to try it out.

  • Suitable for meetings, webinars, conference calling, as well as partying!
  • Video, audio and text chat, no limit to participants or number or length of calls
  • Calls are encrypted
  • Simple login and addresses, no downloads (unless you want the app)
  • Screen sharing, calls can be recorded, moderation facilities
  • Open source software
  • Hosted on secure private servers, powered with energy from renewable sources

Jitsi works in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or IE, apps are available for Android and IoS.

We have been experimenting with Jitsi for a few years and have selected and set up a secure private server for GreenNet customers and network, which nobody has access to apart from us and you. Because Jitsi is open source, that means that the code is fully available for inspection. That transparency means you know that there are no backdoors or vulnerabilities, unlike all those well-known corporate products, which are black boxes owned by businesses who won't tell you how they work or who else might have access to them:


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