GreenNet member Dr Patrick Curry has published a revised and greatly-expanded second edition of his successful Ecological Ethics: An Introduction, first published in 2006 by Polity Press. 

This book is intended for academics, activists, students and a general audience.  Besides providing an overview of ethical approaches to environmental issues ranging from Green Citizenship to Deep Ecology and green virtue ethics, Ecological Ethics is a critique of anthropocentric systems of ethics and argues that an ecocentric ethic is urgently needed.  New material in this edition includes discussions from an ecocentric perspective of climate change, wind power, capitalism, the food system and green education.

Reviewing the book, Bill McKibben said "The environmental crisis has many facets - technological, political, economic. But there are deep ethical questions that undergird them all, and Patrick Curry elucidates a number of them. You needn't agree with all his answers to make use of this volume; use it as a guide to asking your own questions."   David Rothenberg (New Jersey Institute of Technology and author of Survival of the Beautiful and Why Birds Sing) said "Ecological Ethics is the best practical introduction to the role of philosophy in understanding the greatest environmental challenges of our time. Everyone who wants to make a difference should read it."

More information at Polity Press or buy at Housmans.


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