
  • Wordpress blog www.yourname.org.uk with 1GB of web space
  • Monthly Fee: £15 (£12.50 ex VAT) or Annual Fee: £150 (£125 ex VAT)
Contact details
Enter your contact name
Enter your billing address if different from above
Organisational Information
Name of your organisation (if applicable)
Company or charity registration number. This is required for registration of .co.uk or .org.uk domain names with your organisation as the registered owner.
Name of the person we should contact for administrative purposes. Leave this blank if it is the same as the real name
Name of the person we should contact for billing purposes. Leave this blank if it is the same as the real name
Domain name details
Enter the domain name you would like to register or transfer — e.g. organicfishing.org Please choose from domains ending in .org.uk, .co.uk, .net, .com or .org
Domains names cannot be longer than 23 letters long and may not contain punctuation apart from hyphens e.g. ecofriendly.org.uk or eco-friendly.org.uk are examples of acceptable domain names. GreenNet will act as the technical and billing contacts for the domain while the domain is hosted with us.
Are you transferring an existing domain name to us from another host? If so select "Yes" and please fill in the following details.
If you are transferring an existing domain name to us, this will be issued by your current provider. (Not used for .uk domain names.)
What does your organisation do ? What are the aims of the website ? What does it contain ? Please provide a description of your site so that you can be included in the GreenNet A-Z members directory.
If you would like to be listed on the GreenNet website community network pages please specify one or more categories you would like to appear under.
Enter a security question
Enter your answer to the security question
Would you prefer to be billed monthly or annually (at discounted rate). Billing frequency: * Monthly Annual
Select your payment method. Please note that your account cannot be activated until we have received payment via one of the above methods.
Add any additional notes or comments you would like to pass on to the team here.
I have read and accept the GreenNet Terms and Conditions
(If you're a human, don't change the following field)
Your first name.