See our broadband service pages if you'd like more information about the broadband internet services that we offer. Or contact us on or 0330 355 4011 if you are unsure of which broadband service to order or have any questions for us.

Contact details
Enter your full name
Address where you would like to have broadband internet service installed or activated
Phone number on which we can contact you
Enter your billing address if different from above
Phone line details
Do you already have a BT-installed landline at the address where you want us to supply broadband service? Note that a BT-installed line means a phone line managed by BT OpenReach that connects to the local BT telephone exchange. It may be a BT-installed line even if the line rental service is not contracted directly from BT, but from another provider such as the Phone Co-op which uses BT OpenReach infrastucture. Note that some broadband providers such as Virgin Media supply VoIP telephone service, but the service is not provided via a 'real' telephone landline and so that is not considered a BT-installed landline.
If you would like to order broadband service activated on a telephone line that already exists and has active voice service, please provide us with the phone number
If you currently have broadband service on the phone line and you would like to migrate your broadband service so that it's provided by GreenNet, what sort of broadband connection is currently being provided on the phone line?
If you have placed an order with a phone provider for telephone service to be installed and/or activated, your telephone provider can give you a Simultaneous Provide code assigned to the order. If you supply that code to us, we can place an order for broadband service so that the telephone and broadband service are activated at the same time. Please provide your Simultaneous Provide code here.
Please give us the date that your phone service will be activated, according to your phone provider
Broadband service
With the Standalone SoGEA Fibre Broadband services, there is no voice service on the telephone line or separate line rental to pay and any existing voice service on the line will be cancelled.
Note that with Standalone SoGEA Fibre Broadband services, there is no voice service on the telephone line. Any existing voice service on the line will be cancelled. If you later want to enable phone service on the line, the Standalone Fibre Brodaband service will need to be cancelled and then a new broadband service ordered after the voice line service is activated.
One-off charges
Important Notice: The broadband modem/router that is used (whether supplied by us or not) must be compatible with the FTTC service and approved by Openreach. You may incur charges if incompatible hardware is used resulting in an engineer aborting the visit.
Important Notice: The broadband modem/router that is used (whether supplied by us or not) must be compatible with the FTTC service and approved by Openreach. You may incur charges if incompatible hardware is used resulting in an engineer aborting the visit.
GreenNet Email
Your preferred email username; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, and underscores. This username will be used as your main mailbox name, which you will use to login to receive your emails. You can have many additional email addresses set up to forward to this mailbox as required.
Broadband routers
Would you like us to supply you with a broadband modem/router to use with our broadband service? We can supply you with a preconfigured router that arrives already configured for your broadband connection. The Zyxel VMG1312-B10 is a good basic wireless modem/router, which supports SoGEA connections and has good Wifi range.

Our supplier of pre-configured routers currently has no stock of routers suitable for Fibre to the Premises connections. If you contract FTTP broadband service from us, you'll need to purchase a router yourself. We can give you recommendations on routers that work well and are compatible with our FTTP service. Just ask us and we can give you some suggestions.

Organisational Information
Name of your organisation (if applicable)
Company or charity registration number. This is required for registration of or domain names with your organisation as the registered owner.
Name of the person we should contact for administrative purposes. Leave this blank if it is the same as the real name
Would you prefer to be billed monthly or annually (at discounted rate). Billing frequency: * Monthly Annual
Select your payment method. Please note that your account cannot be activated until we have received payment via one of the above methods.
If you already have some other services hosted with us, e.g. email accounts, mailing lists, domain names or websites, please tick this box and enter the name or billing reference.
Please enter your GreenNet billing id or other reference, e.g. an email account name or invoice number, so that we can link up your services and make sure you are on the best deal.
Add any additional notes or comments you would like to pass on to the team here.
I have read and accept the GreenNet Terms and Conditions