On Saturday October 20th the Coalition of Resistance march against austerity expects many thousands of people to take to the streets of London to oppose the cuts regime imposed by the coalition government.
The march will assemble along Victoria Embankment on the north bank of the Thames from 11am on Saturday October 20, moving off around noon.
The Europe Against Austerity conference will take place from 11am till 4:30pm on Sunday 21October in the head office of the UNITE trade-union, 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8TN
The proposed agenda is as follows:
11am – 12pm: Breakfast
12 – 1pm: Eurocrisis – Into the abyss?
1.15pm – 2.45pm: The shape of the resistance
3-4:30pm: Actions, co-operation and the timeline to the Athens 2013 Alter-Summit.
A peoples petition was launched in the letters page of The Guardian which can be signed here: http://www.coalitionofresistance.org.uk/2012/10/peoples-petition-launch-letter-in-the-guardian/
The participation of delegations from across Europe will hugely strengthen the significance of what will be a massive mobilisation. After months of preparation the call has gone out for individuals and organisations throughout Europe to come to London on 20th and 21st October to participate both in the London demonstration and to meet the following day for a conference on common action to turn back the tide of austerity.
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