Concerned with the human factor in world development
The International Lesbian and Gay Association
Website of Islington Green Party. Provides information about activities and campaigns of Greens in Islington.
A comprehensive guide to the work and policy of the trust.
Labour Against the War is the UK campaign of Labour Party and Trade Union members opposed to a military response to the events of 11th September.
The Foundation aims to promote education and learning in the Himalayan countries through establishing scholarship schemes, vocational training programs and resources centres.
This site is organised by the Anti Nazi League and aims to use music to bring people together in a positive celebration of our multiracial society and a militant fightback against racism. It has campaign details, reports and background. and fascism.
To make information on mining impacts, projects, and the corporate sector more widely available. To empower mining-affected communities, so that they can better fight against damaging proposals and practices.
Political campaign to promote economic justice in Nicaragua. Fair trade goods available.
Newham Monitoring Project (NMP) is an independent community-based anti-racist organisation, which was set up in 1980. We are based in the east London borough of Newham in England.