4 November, 2011 - 16:35
Something I'm genuinely curious about is the public justification for the US veto of Palestinian statehood at the UN security council meeting next week (11 November), and for this week denying $60m to UNESCO as a sanction against the recognition there.  Is there any logical argument that recognition of a party to potential negotiations makes those negotiations either more unlikely or more difficult, or somehow harms the prospect of Middle East peace and security?    
7 October, 2011 - 12:18
Although tickets for next weekend's Rebellious Media Conference have now sold out, you can interact with Conference participants - and access post-Conference documentation, including films and audio - through the recently launched "Interactive Site": http://live.rebelliousmediaconference.org/
15 August, 2011 - 13:10
JOHANNESBURG AND LONDON (APC/GreenNet) August 15 2011In the media and in public policy debates fingers were quick to point at the use of social media and mobile phones in spurring on the riots that overwhelmed several English cities last week and in helping looters evade the police. On Thursday 11 August Prime Minister David Cameron issued a statement condemning social networking sites, claiming that the riots were "organised via social media". He went on to say that his government is considering a crackdown on online communications: 
10 August, 2011 - 17:15
GreenNet member Dr Patrick Curry has published a revised and greatly-expanded second edition of his successful Ecological Ethics: An Introduction, first published in 2006 by Polity Press. 
17 March, 2011 - 19:55
Noam Chomsky is interviewed by Jeremy Paxman of BBC Newsnight, Tuesday 8 March 2011. (Transcribed from http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/9418922.stm ; part transcribed by JNV http://www.j-n-v.org/)
21 February, 2011 - 12:36
I don't tend to think much on my 9 am-ish way to work.  I'm alert enough to mind the traffic and wonder if current wool stocks will  last to the end of current knitting projects, but not much else. I rely on traffic lights following their usual routines, roads more or less staying where they always were and a series of reassuring landmarks along the way. It's a gentle 20 minute journey from Hackney to Shoreditch, a gradual progression from sleepihead to today's to-do lists.
8 December, 2010 - 10:29
GreenNet suppports the following statement demanding respect for Internet Freedom in the case of WikiLeaks:The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) is deeply concerned about recent attempts by governments to limit access to online content recently published by whistleblower website WikiLeaks.
25 November, 2010 - 10:03
How does technology like the internet and mobile phones impact on violence against women? What can we as activists do, to use technology to stop the violence? Take Back The Tech!Watch the video, comment and share! 
10 July, 2008 - 18:27
On 11 July, GreenNet staff will be taking part in some strategic planning sessions, in order to review our working practices and improve the products and services that we offer our users. As a result, there will be reduced technical support available. If your query is urgent, please leave a message on 020 7065 0942 and we will respond as soon as possible. For all other enquiries, please write to support@gn.apc.org. Thanks for your understanding, we only do this once or twice a year!
3 June, 2008 - 10:57
We’re excited to announce a cool new tool to make GreenNet email even better! Your GN email account now gives you not only unlimited mailbox size, a choice of pop, imap and web based mail, but also access to your own auto response message tool. You can set up an ‘away from my mail’ message – whenever you want, from wherever you are, using whatever text you like. Check the step by step guide for setting up your own auto-responder in the support section of the website.
