Since the beginning of October APC have been convening on Thursdays on social media (mostly Twitter, also Facebook and Instagram) around ICTs and sustainability / the environment. Every #EcoThursday we've had interesting conversations - so far we've touched on the impact of e-waste and ways to address it, extractivism and alternatives to it, and the right to repair and reuse.
For the last #EcoThursday of the month APC want to invite a member of our network to take over our main Twitter account and share posts on what they consider most relevant from their experience in the field of ICTs and the environment. This #EcoThursday, APC member and co-founder GreenNet will do the honours. For a few hours (between 10-13.00 utc), @GreenNetISP will be tweeting from the @apc_news account. The conversation will revolve around the following:
How do you run an ethical "green internet" business? Let's discuss how to develop and use digital technologies in businesses in ways that save energy, don't produce e-waste, use available resources, promote sustainability...
GreenNet will be sharing resources and tips from their own experience, and it'll be great to have as many of our members as possible join the conversation. Please join us by bringing examples of "green internet" businesses that you know of, or any questions and concerns on this issue.
How do you run an ethical "green internet" business? Let's discuss how to develop and use digital technologies in businesses in ways that save energy, don't produce e-waste, use available resources, promote sustainability...
GreenNet will be sharing resources and tips from their own experience, and it'll be great to have as many of our members as possible join the conversation. Please join us by bringing examples of "green internet" businesses that you know of, or any questions and concerns on this issue.
See you on #EcoThursday!

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