23 April, 2013 - 13:03
‘The internet is an unregulated space where you can connect to other people… It is a new frontier, it is a new imagination that makes things possible… It is this space that is so central to our existence and being.’ – Jac sm Kee, APC Women´s Rights Programme.How does the relationship between sexuality and the internet play out in different countries? What does this mean for sexual rights? The EROTICS research looks at different aspects of internet use in five countries through the lens of sexuality.
18 April, 2013 - 19:56
With this year’s county council elections only a few weeks away, we’ve undertaken new analysis that has revealed the parlous state of local democracy in England and Wales. Evidence shows 21 million people are now living in the local government equivalent of ‘One Party States’ – with single parties holding undeserved supermajorities, and other parties incapable of providing viable opposition. 
29 March, 2013 - 12:50
The economic crisis in Cyprus erupted during the second cycle of the European recession of 2011 as a result of harsh austerity policies imposed since 2010 in Europe. It is a new crisis born out of a failed response to the original European crisis. These policies were (and still are) a basis for the divergence between Europe’s centre and periphery, meaning the countries of the core of the eurozone, with Germany being the dominant economy, and those of the southern Mediterranean.
15 March, 2013 - 14:03
Today marks the beginning of the four-day ‘Big Bang’ science and engineering fair for young people. Since its launch in 2009, it has become the largest event of its kind in the UK, with over 50,000 visitors last year. It is billed as a “celebration” of science and engineering and a key aim is to promote careers in these areas.
1 March, 2013 - 18:36
If it wasn’t so harmful, it would be funny: a marketing battle between the two technology giants MicroSoft and Google over who lacks integrity and is exploitative. It’s been going on for a while and with every thrust and block the thing becomes more grotesque and more revealing.First, by way of introduction, well…you don’t need an introduction.(Republished by kind permission of CounterPunch www.counterpunch.org)
11 February, 2013 - 14:20
The Political Economy of Cyberspace Masters of the Internet by DAN SCHILLER
19 October, 2012 - 19:05
On Saturday October 20th the Coalition of Resistance march against austerity expects many thousands of people to take to the streets of London to oppose the cuts regime imposed by the coalition government.The march will assemble along Victoria Embankment on the north bank of the Thames from 11am on Saturday October 20, moving off around noon.The Europe Against Austerity conference will take place from 11am till 4:30pm on Sunday 21October in the head office of the UNITE trade-union, 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8TN
20 April, 2012 - 12:59
"What does the UK Home Office think they want to do, and why do they think they want to do it?"  The question was a recurring theme at Scrambling for Safety 2012, a conference to discuss the mooted new powers for the "Surveillance State", swiftly arranged in the wake of April's media furore.
29 March, 2012 - 00:00
If you want to be part of something huge on 31 March, just sign up now to say you’ll join the hundreds of millions switching off for a brighter future.However you plan to spend the hour, make sure you’ve told as many people as possible. Because a healthy planet isn’t just good for polar bears or tropical tree frogs. It’s essential for us all. http://earthhour.wwf.org.uk/
23 November, 2011 - 16:49
Stop the War will be joining CND in a Cut War not Welfare - Jobs not Bombs contingent on the November 30th demonstration in London. There will be similar demonstrations up and down the country.One third of the budget deficit could be wiped out by ending spending on foreign wars and scrapping trident.
