29 November, 2013 - 16:59
On Thursday 1 August this year, investigative journalist Andrew Jennings noticed that his website transparancyinsport.org, was not accessible. Jennings, who has done notable work for Panorama, World in Action and Sunday Times Insight maintains the site as part of his ongoing research into corruption in world football.  He called his service provider, GreenNet.
14 November, 2013 - 16:21
International customers are fleeing tech titans like Cisco over fears of U.S. snooping. But they'll likely face similar surveillance by working with Chinese competitors. By John Aziz
8 November, 2013 - 17:51
Reposted from European Digital Rights http://www.edri.org/The new revelations from Snowden show that NSA seems to spy on everybody, allies or enemies alike, collecting data form everywhere and everyone, in order to get a “diplomatic advantage” over allies such as France and Germany or an “economic advantage” over countries such as Japan or Brazil. Or even more?
13 October, 2013 - 10:55
A number of international governments, organisations and individuals try to squeeze the current situation of the Karen people into a narrow, restrictive and simplistic narrative that is usually framed like this.‘After more than sixty years of conflict, at last the Karen have peace. There has been a ceasefire for almost two years, the Karen National Union and government of Burma are in dialogue, development projects and aid are coming into Karen State to help the people, and finally refugees can return home.’
30 September, 2013 - 12:00
Cybersyn was Chile’s experiment in non-centralised economic planning, cut short by the 1973 coup, writes Red Pepper's Leigh Phillips. The story of Salvador Allende, president of the first ever democratically elected Marxist administration, who died when General Augusto Pinochet overthrew the young administration in a US-backed coup on 11 September, 1973, is well known amongst progressives.
25 September, 2013 - 13:02
The British authorities plan to deport tomorrow (26th September) a three-year old autistic child born in the UK, along with his Sri Lankan parents and siblings who are all suffering mental health problems.
9 August, 2013 - 09:22
While running the mud hotel she built in Djenne, helping the blind to see by funding annual cataract operations and saving ancient manuscripts for the Library Project, Sophie Sarin remains the definitive source of news from Mali - Tuesday 6 August: A friend asked me to explain why I believe IBK is the correct choice for Mali, or perhaps to explain the reasons for his lead over the other candidate Soumaila Cisse.
4 June, 2013 - 15:16
The European Privacy Association, after being caught out for failing to respect the rules of the European Transparency Register, has issued a defence of its actions. An article published by IDG News Service describes Google, Microsoft and Yahoo as the “secret backers” of the organisation. The EPA, in its defence, explains that it is a “small organisation”, with a budget of 50 000 to 100 000 Euro. Furthermore, it is “primarily” a voluntary association.
22 May, 2013 - 19:45
Just returning from the Annual General Meeting of Shell at Den Haag in the Netherlands – tired but exhilarated by the experience. As with the AGM in 2012 there was a powerful array of civil society groups from all over the world taking the time and devoting the energy to travel to the grey, rain soaked Dutch city on the North Sea coast and engage in the strange theatre of the event.
26 April, 2013 - 13:29
On the eve of the World Intellectual Property Day, ARTICLE 19 has launched The Right To Share: Principles on Freedom of Expression and Copyright in the Digital Age (Right to Share Principles), a ground-breaking document that aims to guide policy makers, legislators, judiciary and civil society on how to balance the right to freedom of expression and copyright.
