Britain is in the grip of a worrying trend. Our own Prime Minister compared migrants in Calais to insects when he called them a “swarm”. Meanwhile, internet comment sections relating to the refugees are filled with hatred and venom.
31 July, 2015 - 12:43
3 June, 2015 - 18:34

By Leila Nachawati Rego for APCNewsJAKARTA, Indonesia, 03 June 2015
29 April, 2015 - 17:55
When a group of claimants in the UK took on Google for invasion of privacy, they had little idea that the case would become a landmark in the fight to tame the internet giant's intrusion into our lives on the web.On 27 March 2015, a group of claimants in the United Kingdom, including myself, won what is being called a “landmark victory” against Google Inc. It handles three billion searches a day globally, exercises a virtual monopoly and is valued at around £250 billion. It is also among the world’s biggest advertising agencies with revenue in 2013 of some £49 billion.
27 April, 2015 - 12:40
The pro- vs anti-business spat currently being vented by politicians in Westminster and certain red-faced businessmen is as meaningless as it is dispiriting. To call opponents out as anti-business because they suggest that all is not 100 per cent for the best in the best of all possible business worlds is childish, self-demeaning and deeply insulting to the rest of us.
19 March, 2015 - 20:55
Mar 18, 2015 • 3:45 pm • by mika Today, Osborne announced massive tax breaks and subsidies for North Sea oil companies. A new £1.3 billion in subsidies will be handed to oil companies, with the burden transferred to the public. £1.3 billion could cover the costs of employing another 20,000 nurses in the NHS.
5 March, 2015 - 22:53
Energy expert Paul Mobbs, arrested taking action against the government's "misconduct in public office", says that even the cleanest "unconventional" fossil fuel is devastating to the environment in his latest blog...
18 December, 2014 - 16:54
A recent report by the Austrian Foundation for Development Research has critically assessed many of the claims about the supposed benefits of TTIP, finding them to be flawed, unrealistic and ideologically biased. Most of the impact assessments on TTIP commissioned by the various European member states and by the European Commission describe the signing of the EU-US trade deal as an ‘economic El Dorado’ that will bring about more growth, more exports and more employment, and will almost single-handedly drag Europe out of the crisis.
1 December, 2014 - 21:10
There seems to have been a lot of negativity about social media in the last few weeks and months. It has a number of different facets and works in a number of different directions.Command central for terrorists
8 October, 2014 - 21:43
Richard Lawson shows how Karl Popper can help settle the climate debate.Policymakers worldwide face a major headache relating to energy strategy. On the one hand, most climate scientists are warning that we must make a radical change away from reliance on carbon-based fossil fuels in order to avoid a catastrophic long-term change in global climate. On the other hand, the politicians are intensively lobbied by, and sometimes financed by, immensely wealthy and powerful fossil fuel corporations.
25 September, 2014 - 16:39
Analyst John Aziz's latest thoughts on Labour's economic election strategy -Nick Robinson — slated by the "Yes" campaign for his controversial performance in Scotland — clearly cares dearly about the national debt. And he thinks — as does the vast majority of the political class, it should be said — that we just have too much of it.